Treasure awaits below the waves, deep in the Graveyard Chasm. Dare you dive deep enough to find the most valuable treasures, and are you wily enough to return to surface before air runs out and it's too late? One More Fathom is a push your luck game of diving for treasure and becoming filthy rich, and maybe, just maybe, also finding a little something more... Maybe you'll even make a FRIEND on the way...

If the UI becomes stuck, try pressing P on the keyboard to force the game to re-draw the user interface.

( This game was developed for the Monthly AGS / MAGS contest using the Adventure Game Studio engine. This version is a test to upload the game compiled as HTML for embedding in browser. )

Updated 7 days ago
Published 11 days ago
Tags2D, Casual, Mouse only, Pixel Art, push-your-luck, Roguelite, Singleplayer


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Cool game!

But I get game state/anim hangs when clicking fast to surface...


Sorry to hear it. This issue popped up randomly back in the original non-web version as well. There is a keyboard shortcut for the button P that tries to re-draw the UI to help a player get unstuck, so if you have the patience for it, give it a go. 

Thank You. And sorry, I don't know how I miss it when reading description.


You didn't miss it! :D I added it after your first message. It was in the readme.txt of the original windows version, but I'd forgotten about it until you brought the issue up, so I decided to add it to the description as well for any future players. I hope you have fun with the game!